Saturday, 28 July 2012

I forgot Herbert

Before we got to Moose Jaw, we stopped at Herbert. There are a lot of Mennonites in this little town and it’s where Bill’s grandfather and father lived. There was a caboose we saw, they were actually called break vans, and caboose was a slang term, but it ended up sticking. So that’s how the name caboose came up. Then we went into the museum, which is am old train station. It had a lot of old stuff in it and was actually quite interesting. There were really old cash registers and this guys that collects hats keeps them in an old train part. There are old hotel registries and old pictures and all the 150 hats. If you bring in a hat this man doesn't have he will give you a free haircut. We then got ice cream and saw a sign for Faspa and bill explained what it was, though we didn’t have any. The lady that worked there was really nice. We took pictures with a snowmover that moves snow off the tracks and then continued on.
 Snowmover, Herbert SK
Samantha, Fran
Train station turned museum

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