I remember visiting this place as a kid when my dad brought us. What I remembered was the park out back. It is a museum about, well dinosaurs since this part of Alberta is where they found a lot of the bones and stuff.
There is this little interactive place that was crawling with little kids. I understand that I was one of them, but what bugs me is that, when I am trying to read a something and there is an interactive thing, that kids have no idea what they are doing and are just spinning the crank while you are trying to understand the whole point of the thing. The one that I liked needed to be explained to me by Bill. The other people probably had no idea what it was, but I after I played it. So it is a bunch of red flowers, and between those a bunch of yellow, orange and red butterflies pop up. Now what you have to do is see how many you can get. At the end it tells you how many butterflies you have hit. You would normally have more orange and yellow then red. The game was explaining evolution for survival. I did it a couple more times. The first time I got 4 reds, the second 6 and the third 9. See now I was learning that the camouflage more with the red flowers, and I was adapting to that so I liked that game.
The rest of the museum, there were fossils and dino bones and it was all really cool, but coming to the end it was becoming an information overload!
Having Lunch at the museum
A dino and her child
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