Wednesday, 1 August 2012

A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

When I woke up, it was still kinda early, so I had breakfast. In a bowl I found a strawberry magnet Claire had left for me. While I was eating, Lily came and gave me 2 magnets, one for the Belluz farm and the other she made. Then Bill and I then went to the farm where we saw some geese and a pig. We looked around then went to the shop area and looked in the greenhouse. Before we left we got 1 more picture, of course. We quickly stopped at the Terry Fox Memorial. Then we stopped for gas then stopped later at Nipigon for lunch. I saw a chipmunk a couple times then got a pin since there were no magnets. While we were climbing a hill, behind us started to smoke. Fran started to take it easy as the car filled with smoke. We stooped at Pays Plat gas station and bill called the gas station. We had to wait for a tow truck forever at the gas station, then when it finally got there, got towed to Schreiber. I didn`t want to be there. We were supposed to be in Wawa. So we got to the garage then waited for a bit. They couldn`t get it looked at right away, so we were gonna have to wait who knows how long. We got a hotel room at the Circle Route Motel, then walked to the post office. We saw some trains and a little rinky dinky one. We walked up to the restaurant attached to the motel. Then we went back to the room and watched the Olympics.
At the Belluz Farm
 Claire, Fran

 Samantha, Bill, Don, Fran and Claire

 Terry Fox Memorial
Samantha, Bill

 Our tow man Joe and the Car

The Post office
Fran and Bill

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