Friday, 10 August 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

This morning I was able to sleep in a bunch. When I got up I went upstairs and just sat down. We had some break from Upper Canada Village for breakfast. I decided that I just wanted to sit around and do nothing all day. I do clean up my stuff a little but not much. For late lunch Fran made me a grilled cheese and apples, and for her and Bill she made this curry soup thing. It was pretty good. We did more sitting around and watching tv, then dinner time came around. We were going to Marathon with Mandy and Linda. We got a ride there all together, and had to wait a while. We got our seat and Mandy and Linda gave me a card as well as Fran and Bill. We had dinner and when it was done, the waitress brought me a cake and a candle. They sang me happy birthday then we ate it. Fran had ended up giving the waitress a letter to do that. Then we sat there for a LONG time just chatting, while the restaurant started emptying. We headed back home and said our goodbyes. Now I am watching Frozen Planet while Fran is asleep on a chair and Bill on the couch.
 Dinner at Marathon
Samantha, Fran, Linda, Mandy and Bill
My Birthday cake
Samantha, Fran, Linda and Mandy

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